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Month: June 2024

AMP Relevance in 2024 - Rankit

Are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Still Relevant in 2024?

Staying ahead of trends in the ever-evolving digital realm is the key to maintaining a competitive edge. Google introduced Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in 2015 as a way to enhance your mobile web browsing through faster page loading times. As we progress into the year 2024, the relevance and impact of AMP continue to be […]
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Impact Of Zero Click Searches in 2024

The Impact of Zero-Click Searches in 2024

Zero-click searches are getting bigger. In 2024, their impact on digital marketing and SEO is more significant than ever. This happens when you find the information you need directly on the search engine results page (SERP) without having to click through to a website. This trend has profound implications for businesses and their online strategies. […]
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SEO techniques to optimize your website

Achieve SEO Excellence: 10 Strategies to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

Ever wondered how a search engine manages to pick relevant information from the internet? I’m surprised too. Optimizing your website with SEO strategies is the solution – it can significantly boost a website’s visibility on search engines. Many businesses struggle to get noticed despite having fantastic products or services. However, the key to overcoming this […]
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10 Best Practices for Social Media Marketing

Are you looking to enhance your business’s social presence?  Let’s dive in. But you should know: that social media marketing strategies are ever-changing with no one-size-fits-all solution. Any strategy that works for you becomes a secret ingredient for your business’ success. Navigating the world of social media can be tricky. Still, these platforms have become […]
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Digital Marketing Maximize Your Reach

The Power of Digital Marketing: How to Maximize Your Reach

Are you struggling to improve your business’s online presence, just like any other brand? The solution is pretty straightforward. Yes, digital marketing with a comprehensive strategy can significantly help in reaching your potential audience online. But is it as easy as it sounds? Well! Digital marketing is all about promoting your business on the internet. […]
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